8-25-2016: Camp Update, Crow Nation & Black Lives Matter arrive (needs labels)

KOLC-TV (video length 1:14;09):

8/26/15:  Phyllis Young – Mni Teciya Win

Phyllis Young talks a little bit about camp and how it has been over a hundred years since something like that has formed.  Talks about the railroad that used to go from Cannonball to Bismark. Talks about the Buffalo field and the ranch and immenent domain.

KOLC-TV (video length 12:15):

8/27/16:  Crow Nation and Black Lives Matter at front lines

(video length 0:47)

NEW  8/25/16 Camps Organize to Stay as Injunction Postponed – Unicorn Riot post


NEW 8/25/16 DAPL frontline – boat and drone – SSC 13:25

NEW 8/25/16 same – river views –  SSC  12:51 

Creating Clarity from Chaos