This archive is in-the-making & will be upgraded daily until this sentence is no longer here.
Contents of Archive:
Select any of the following sections to view all videos, photos, petitions, press releases, etc. Email [email protected] to send us any content we may have missed & write ARCHIVE in the subject line of the email.
- Early legal work & segments on the pipeline approval process
- “Run for Your Life” Youth Runners run 500 miles from Standing Rock to Omaha to deliver Petition to Army Corps’ Colonel Henderson to urge him not to approve the Dakota Access Pipeline
- Sacred Stone Spirit Camp is founded at the confluence of the Cannonball & Missouri Rivers, actions begin to stop the pipeline
- Youth-led campaign builds momentum to raise awareness about the importance of protecting the Missouri River, the tribe’s only source of drinking water, from being polluted
- Dog Attacks & Burial Site Desecration
- Greatly Escalated Confrontation
- Evacuation Order by Governor Dairymple
Dec. 2016 – Feb. 2017 Archive:
- Winter Warriors Press on
- Governments Enforce Hostile Evictions
- Pipeline Construction Re-Authorized
March 2017 – July 2017 Archive:
- Water Protectors robbed & Wrongfully Evicted
- Internal workings of Paramilitary Ops by Security Firms & Law Enforcement Unveiled
- Many cases against Water Protectors dropped
- Courtroom trickery exposed
- Lakota People’s Law Project promotes “All Charges Against Water Protectors Dropped” Petition
- DAPL Files “Terrorism” & “Racketeering” Charges Against Organizations Involved
- Eggink v. Trump moves forward
This next section contains the same content as above, except that its neatly categorized:
i. Injuries & Personal Injury cases
- Excessive Force, False Imprisonment, etc.
- Violations Against Drone Operators
- Media Slander, False Reports, & Intimidation against Water Protectors
- Wrongful Evictions Against Water Protector Camps
- Officers Refuse to Identify Themselves
ii. Native-Specific Rights Violations & Public Demonstrations:
- Landmark Demonstrations
- Ancestral Burial Sites Desecrated
- American Indian Religious Freedom Act Violated
- Water & Land Rights – coming soon, behind-the-scenes compiling underway!
iii. Involved Parties:
- All Aircraft & Potential F.A.A. & Violations
- Security Firms & Law Enforcement Agencies Present @ Standing Rock Water Protector Camps
iv. Misinformation About Tribe &/or Water Protectors:
- The “Cattle Slaughter” Allegations
- The Phelim McAleer Scam
- False Reports & Testimonies by Officers
- Water Protectors Blamed for Fires Set by Security &/or Law Enforcement Officers
- “Iowa Beware” – ND Officials Warn Iowans against Water Protectors
v. Courtroom Trickery against Water Protectors
vi. Cases in Progress:
- Standing Rock Sioux Tribe v U.S. Army Corps of Engineers with intervening Plaintiff Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe
- Eggink v Trump et al
- Wilson v. State of North Dakota and Conspirators – civil case coming soon
- Other lawsuits will be placed here asap.
iii. Historical Context
The following history sections were rough drafts used to great the final version which will be available after we have filed in court:
- Pre-Contact Lakota
- First Contact w/ Europeans
- Two Treaties of Fort Laramie
- All Major Treaty Violations
- The American Revolution, The Constitution, & “The Treaty Clause”
This section will be finished soon, & contains a “List of Reasonable Demands” that will provide people with the opportunity to sign so we can get the class actions moved forward. Some of the “demands” can be found embedded among our platform, which has been adjusted since the time of our arrival at Standing Rock. Please check back with this website & our other websites, as we’re preparing them daily to move the upcoming case forward. In addition, there is a great deal of legal information being brought together on, as we are concerned with not only adhering to legal procedure, but also we are concerned with “leaving a trail” to help others learn how to build & file civil actions.
Our best advice to you:
Were You at Standing Rock? Write Your Testimony.
Above graphic of a Billy Mills quote from Native Sun News Today – used in accordance with Fair Use.
This website is being compiled by Wild Willpower.
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Special thanks to for all your hard work helping to compile the archive.