Video #1:
“Action Caravan Met By Officers“
by Red Warrior Camp (video length 1:02)
Description: Video caption reads: “#NoDAPL Action caravan en route to pray at active work sites” met with military vehicles, over 15 police cars, dozens of law enforcement officers in riot-gear, private security, surveillance helicopter, unmarked cars. Law enforcement from at least three different agencies present; including Morton County Sherriff and MRAP from Stutsman County Sherriff.
Categories: Involved Parties Archive
Video #2:
“Drive By of Police Force“
by Red Warrior Camp (video length 0:21)
Description: Video shot from moving vehicle; shows Morton County Sherrif SUV, another police car and a militarized police van with an LRAD (Long Range Acoustic Device) affixed to the top.
Categories: Involved Parties Archive
Video #3:
“Morton County Sheriff Reports“
by Red Warrior Camp (video length 0:30)
Description: Sherriff reports on work stoppage
Video #4:
“Toxic Tour Summary Video“
by Red Warrior Camp (video length 5:52)
Description: Law Enforcement blockades the road identified in caption as Morton County Road 84. Several law enforcement vehicles present including a police van with an LRAD mounted and helicopter hovering over the area. Blockade begins with approximately 10 officers standing on the front line. That number nearly triples in the 6 minutes of this video as officers continually arrive.
Categories: Officers refusing to identify themselves
Video #5:
“Hopes and Prayers”
by Sacred Stone Camp (video length [lost-1min?])
Description: [no video]