Tribal Resolution:
Sent to Colonel John W. Henderson pleading to him to stop the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline.
Indigenous Rising, an Indigenous Environmental Network project:
“#RunForYourLife: NoDAPL Petition Letter to Army Corps of Engineers“
Indigenous youth, one by one, pour oil into a clean glass of water, explaining “I wouldn’t drink this.”
– Rezpect Our Water (video length 0:30)
Elder’s birthday comments telling people at Sacred Stone Camp that “Life is very beautiful. I’m telling you the truth. You have to see it for yourself. I’m telling you the truth.”
– Joseph White Eyes (video length 0:28)
(documentation compiled from April 30th)
Article which includes Several Videos Embedded:
Unicorn Riot: “Sacred Stone Camp Resists Dakota Access Pipeline“:
Standing Rock members plead in person at a public hearing to Colonel Henderson one month after the founding of Sacred Stone Spirit Camp. Excavators and other machinery is located near the East bank of the Missouri River, set to begin “pre-construction” of DAPL despite having no permit.
A group of motorcycle riders or “Iron Horse” riders travel to the Grand Casino. The riders joined a walk, run, & horse ride to tell Colonel to say “No” to the permit that would allow Dakota Access Pipeline under the Missouri.
The first speaker at the listening session was 16 year old Lisa Martinez who shared a Lakota creation story.
The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s lawyer, Paul Capossela stated the Army Corps hadn’t consulted with the tribe (as required under Section 106 NEPA), despite this meeting, because they already released the draft Environmental Assessment, & that meetings & consultations should have happened before the draft assessment was released.
The hearing lasted over an hour and a half. Henderson listened to speakers whose ages spanned from 16 to 91. Not a single speaker spoke in approval of the Dakota Access Pipeline. They made it clear they were opposed to oil pipeline & they intend to defend their drinking water.
A delegation of youth runners traveled over 500 miles to the Army Corps of Engineers Omaha Headquarters to deliver a petition opposing the oil pipeline. On May 3rd, the Army Corps stated they had not reached a decision on whether to approve the permit for the pipeline – READ FULL ARTICLE & WATCH VIDEOS.
Actors from The Justice League, Ezra Miller and Ray Fisher, state that they stand with the Standing Rock youth, & they encourage people to sign the petition at www.Change.org/RezpectOurWater.
–Rezpect Our Water (video length 0:28)
Healing Minnesota Stories, “Weekend reading and efforts to resist the Dakota Access Pipeline“:
On April 1, Nakota, Lakota, & Dakota Nation leaders set up the Iyan Wakanya Gagnapi Oti (Camp of the Sacred Stones) to build community, pray, & defend their territory from the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL), according to an email from the AIM Interpretive Center.
“DAPL is proposed to transport as much as 570,000 barrels of crude oil per day from the Bakken oil fields in North Dakota crossing the Missouri River twice, through Standing Rock reserve lands and sacred sites, on to South Dakota, Iowa, and Illinois. The pipeline route threatens significant sites of historical and cultural significance to many Northern Plains tribes, including the Lakota, Dakota, Mandan, Arikara and Cheyenne.”
An update on this work will be given Monday, May 16, 6 p.m. at the Minneapolis American Indian Center. Presenting will be people on the front lines of the protest & representatives from Honor the Earth – READ FULL PAGE.
Here is the event Facebook page.
Unicorn Riot: “Dakota Access Pipeline Blockade Enters Second Month” Diary of 5/25-5/31- article contains 25 videos!!
This website is being compiled by Wild Willpower.
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Special thanks to www.NoDAPLarchive.com for all your hard work helping to compile the archive.