11/3: Native man singled out, grabbed off of sidewalk and arrested, peaceful protest

Thursday, Nov 3rd, 2016

    Protesters gather outside of Governors mansion to protest DAPL and rights of Water Protectors. 5  clergy were arrested when praying and singing while kneeling on the ground and the rest of the protesters are herded to the opposite side of the street onto the side walk, surrounded on all sides by riot personnel. After being told they could be on the side walk they are then told to get off the sidewalk and a Native man, Eric Poemoceah, was singled out, grabbed off the sidewalk and arrested. The protesters then negotiate with an unidentified man wearing all black and letters POLICE on his back to release Eric if they moved the protest to another street.  He wouldn’t give his badge number. After about 20 minutes Eric Poemoceah was freed from the police. 



Creating Clarity from Chaos