Wounded Knee Survivors Youth Runners coming into camp
–Lastrealindians 4:37
Hau Mitakuyapi, my relatives we finished the run to Takini to honor our relatives, the ones who were killed and the ones who died during the Journey home, the ones who made it back to Wakpa Waste’, with wounds from the massacre carrying each other and helping each other to survive. (more…) – Post and photo of flags on road, Wounded Knee Survivors Run
1/1/17 Handing off the staff – WKSR 0:18
Runners near casino, near camp – 4 photos
3 photos, Chase and daughters
What a run! We ran over 370 miles. Wopila tanka to all who ran with us and supported us in any way they could.- Three Photos with flag in the dome
1/1/17 Removing razor wire from Turtle Island
1/1/17 Unknown water protectors and photographer
– copied by Edwin Lindo 1:33
01/01 Chase Iron Eyes: “There is a sacred energy moving along all nations, all those continually evolving, getting woke & staying woke. It’s the spirit of liberation. We are taking down Trump & all the fascism represented by the global corporate takeover of our right to determine our collective destiny. I know you feel it. Some fear it; we love it.”
01/01 Descending the hill toward Oceti Oyate, Rosebud, Oceti Sakowin, Sacred Stone, AllNations Liberation Camps!!!!
01/01 Wounded knee Survivor Runners are set to arrive at Oceti Oyate, Oceti Sakowin, All Nations camp at 7pm central today! Come run with us! They have run almost 340 miles since the 126th memorial of the massacre 126 years ago. We run to heal. https://www.facebook.com/lastrealindians/videos/1337719209583039/
01/01 Angelo Sison :Update from Sacred Stone, New Years, Dean (Shiye) has been Arrested, in custody until Tuesday.
Ernesto Burbank Update: Don’t forget our warriors who have given up their freedom. Leonard Peltier, Red Fawn, (Shiye) https://www.facebook.com/BloodlineTattooing/videos/954492044687667/
01/01 New Year’s protest activities lead to more arrests for DakotaAccess Pipeline protesters
Unavailable Videos
1/1/17 Sigma arrested on a prayer walk
1/1/17 One arrested on today’s prayer walk. Pray for Sigma, he is brave.
– Tawasi
1/1/17 Runners coming into camp
Wounded Knee Survivors Run
– WKSR 0:15
1/1/17 4 photos and a video
– Runners at dome WKSR
Follow the journey on their Facebook page: