Video #1:
“D.A.P.L. Convoy of New Pipe“
by Johnny Dangers (video length 0:30)
Description: Convoy of 10 fully oversized semis loaded with new Dakota Access Pipe. #NODAPL
Video #2:
“Talking with South Dakota Highway Patrol“
by Myron Dewey (video length 14:16)
Description: Update from the from the front lines today and South Dakota officer interview.
Photos & Posts:
Facebook Post #1:
“Pipes on the Road”
Description: Breaking News! We just saw a Convoy of 10 fully oversized semis loaded with NEW Dakota Access Pipe heading south on Highway 6 directly where the pipeline crosses the road. Heavy construction is ongoing east of the highway with large crews. DAPL is working as fast as possible to race towards the Missouri River. We must stop the Black Snake! #NoDAPL#WaterisLife #KeepitintheGround
Reports of “cattle found”:
Update on Cattle: