Help Build The Standing Rock Water Protector Archive – * Keyboard Warriors UNITE!! *

     There are thousands of videos, articles, & photos throughout the archive on this website, & in order to continue organizing them by category & backing them up, we need help.  

      If you would like to watch videos from Standing Rock & write descriptions of “what is going on in the video”, please email [email protected] with “HELP BUILD ARCHIVE” written in the subject line.

      In addition, we’re formatting pages, so they look nice & are user-friendly, as shown:


    So, an added benefit of volunteering to help with the archive is that you’ll learn how to use the website-building program we use to build this website-  WordPress.  Its not that hard to use, & you’ll have personal assistance to help you with any questions you may have.

     This archive is very important for historical record and for casework — both for water protectors facing criminal charges to help build strong defenses and the federal case we’re in the process of building we’re pretty sure will exonerate all Water Protectors, help tribes, the planet, and humanity in general

     We will have a “List of Demands” posted on this page within days which will be available in Petition form for people to sign and for people to add their ideas for additional reasonable demands.  

      At this time, the most effective thing we can suggest besides helping to build this archive is to order a copy of your State’s Discovery, court records, & 

Write Your Testimony.


This website is being compiled by Wild Willpower, with all content being utilized in accordance with Fair Use.

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